Last update – September 2011
Protecting your privacy is important to the Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun. As part of our commitment in this regard, we have implemented this policy, which explains our practices in this area, including those that apply to our websites. It may be that we change this policy from time to time to better meet your needs. Notice of any changes will be posted on our Web sites and a copy of all changes will be kept on file at our offices. Our policy on the protection of privacy meets all requirements of law applicable thereto, including the law of Canada Act entitled Privacy and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).
This Policy on the Protection of Privacy Act governs how we treat your personal information. If you have questions or concerns about protecting your privacy, please contact us using the contact information listed at the end of this policy.
Whenever you provide personal information, whether in writing, by phone or online, we will return to this policy on the protection of privacy. If you disagree with our policy on the protection of privacy, please contact us at the address given at the end of this document and we will be pleased to address your concerns.
“Personal information” is information which concerns you as a person. This may, for example, your name, your postal and email addresses, your age, your date of birth, telephone number, a photograph of you or recording your voice . Your personal preferences, such as your favorite color or your favorite flavor of ice cream, could also be regarded as personal information, if linked to other information that identifies you. This policy describes what personal information we collect, how we carry out this purpose, why we do it and we use their reserve.
The “non-identifiable information” is information that can not be associated or related to a specific person. It can be anonymous aggregated information, which information about your visits to our websites but are not linked to you or information about your computer system and your web browser software. Your computer and its operating systems, browsers, and memory contain vast quantities of data on the use you make of it. Third parties may obtain personal information if you do not take steps to protect your system. It is our policy not to associate this information with our customers, even though we verify some kinds of technical information to ensure that our websites are optimized to meet the needs of our customers.
When you interact with our websites, we can use a browser feature called a “cookie” (witness) to verify non-identifiable information concerning visitors and measure traffic patterns thereof. We do this to provide websites of highest quality. A cookie is a small computer file. When you visit our websites for the first time, our site manager may have implemented a program that creates a small computer file stored on the hard drive of your computer. We ensure that the minimum information required is placed in the cookie only so that we can recognize individuals who visit our site again. The cookie does not contain personal information and we will not combine information in the witness of personal information that would allow us to identify you individually. During subsequent visits to our website, our server communicates with your computer, reads the cookie, recognizes and confirms that you are a returning visitor. Our server uses this information to offer you a “short cut” that makes your visit an experience that is both easy, fast, effective and interesting.
Additionally, third parties such as our advertising partners may use cookies to verify their non-identifiable information about you. The information collected may include identify your behaviors, preferences and interests. This use is subject to the privacy policy of such third parties.
Most browser softwares allow you to delete cookies. You should consult your ISP for information on how to proceed for this purpose. If you delete the cookie, they may be we are not able to personalize your experience on our Web sites or the process is slowed.
We collect personal information in the following circumstances:
- When you join a club or become a member through one of our websites, by mail;
- when you enter a contest or promotion through one of our websites, by mail;
- when you subscribe to our newsletters distributed via email;
- when you respond to online questionnaires;
- when you participate in interactive online activities (including games, chat rooms or bulletin boards);
- when you shop online at our Web sites;
- or when you contact us to make requests or comment on our services.
We exercise particular care in where we collect personal information from children under the age of 13. We do not ask children to provide personal information to enable them to access any website ederation Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun and view the content. However, certain Personal Information may be provided before a child can participate in one of our contests or any of our promotions. In such cases, we may collect your first name and last name (or username) of the child, his mail and postal addresses, date of birth and gender, as well as the names, addresses mail and postal and telephone number of the parent or guardian.
We only collect personal information from children under the age of 13 years it is reasonable to ask to check the age of the child, to administer the child’s participation in the contest or promotion and if the child wins a prize, to communicate with parents or guardian of the child. We can also provide personal information to the entity offering the price to ensure its delivery to the winner. We will not use, retain or disclose personal information for any other reason.
When we collect personal information, we usually recommend the child to print a copy of this policy and give it to her parents or guardian. This person can then contact us at any time to obtain more detailed information about our practices regarding the protection of privacy or ask us to remove personal information of the child from our records.
Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun strives to take all necessary measures to ensure that the experience we offer to young people on our websites is fun and safe and we strongly urge parents and guardians to take an active role and monitor the places their children explore the Internet.
This website may contain links to third party websites. The latter have established a policy of protection of privacy separate and independent. The personal information you share with these third parties through their websites will be administered under their own policies regarding the protection of privacy. Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun can not exercise control over such policies and therefore can not assume responsibility or liability for how third parties may collect, use, disclose and otherwise treat your personal information.
The following section describes in more detail how we collect and use personal information.
Clubs or memberships
Many of our sites offer you the opportunity to become a member and, thus, to participate regularly in games, bulletin boards, contests and other activities offered there. We collect personal information when you join in accordance with the following principles:
- We collect only the personal information necessary for the proposed activities;
- and access to our activities is in no way subject to the condition that you provide more personal information than necessary.
When you enter a contest, you may be required to provide the following personal information: your name, address and your province of residence, email address, your phone number Phone2 and, when the requirement age applies, your age group. We collect personal information for the sole purpose of identifying the winners of contests, and communicate with them to ensure the awards ceremony. Personal information from persons other than the winners are destroyed in accordance with applicable legal requirements. People who have won a prize (or parents or guardian, when the winner is a minor) will receive for signing an affidavit of eligibility and release before the prize can be awarded. When the waiver is not returned within the prescribed time, the winner forfeits the prize and an alternate winner may be selected.
Newsletter subscriptions
When you subscribe to our online newsletters, you must provide the following mandatory Personal Information so that we can send you the newsletter to electronically: your first name and email address and your province of residence (in the latter case , for statistical purposes only). Subscribers (and their parents or guardians, if applicable) can cancel the newsletter subscriptions at any time by following the guidelines for terminating the membership set out at the end of the newsletter or using the information in the end of this policy. We delete personal information from our database as soon as we receive a request to unsubscribe.
Online questionnaires
It may be that we asked you the opportunity to send us your comments online about a business, product or service that we offer or about the content of our websites. In such cases, we request your name and email address when you provide your feedback so that we can respond, but you can always send us your feedback without sharing this information.
Other online activities
When you visit our websites and participate in other online activities, we may collect information such as your name, nickname, your age, preferences, opinions, etc.. Whether you are taking or not to join a club or become a member of the site to participate in these activities, we respect at all times the principles set forth in subparagraph a) above regarding membership.
Online Shopping
In order to make online purchases on our websites you must be aged at least 18 years. Our websites online purchases only collect essential information for orders, including your name and shipping address, phone number and email address and your credit card number, and, in the sole purpose of processing your order and deliver products or perform services that you buy online. We will not share this information outside Astral Media, except with our approved agents who assist us in processing your order. All our approved agents are required to ensure a level of privacy protection comparable to that required in this policy and none of them is allowed to use your personal information for any other purpose, including doing business with you or to advertise their products to you.
Contact the customer service
If you call us or write us by mail or e-mail to comment on one of our services or our websites, we will retain the information on file for some time. In such cases, the disclosure of your name and your personal information is voluntary.
We will not disclose your personal information, unless we are required to do under the law. It may be that we are legally required or permitted to provide personal information in response, for example, a request in proper form, a search warrant or other inquiry or valid legal order. We may also disclose information to an investigative body in the event of breach of contract or breach of any law or if we are otherwise required under law. We use your personal information for internal purposes only and we decline to sell, lease or trade them. We may transfer information to third parties requiring such personal information to provide a service on behalf of Astral Media. Any such service provider is contractually obligated to respect the confidentiality of such personal information transferred and he is forbidden to use personal information for any other reason whatsoever. You may withdraw consent at any time that you gave to our use of your personal information by following the instructions at the end of this policy. We will obtain your consent before using personal information for purposes other than those listed above. We destroy your information when no longer needed for the above purposes.
We know how important the protection of privacy is important to you. That’s why we protect your personal information. Our security policies govern the protection of information in our information systems, how we protect our Websites from malicious attacks and how we dispose of information no longer needed. We screen and train our employees carefully to ensure they will provide at all times the highest importance to protecting your privacy and we restrict access to your personal information only to those who need to know.
We make best efforts to maintain our servers in a secure environment and protect our infrastructure from abuse. Internet security is a problem that continues to grow and we hire experts who keep us informed of the latest trends. If you receive any electronic communication that seems to come from a member of the Federation of Shaolin Wing Chun Orthodoxeet you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact us. Spam, misuse and piracy of domain names and email addresses is a growing problem and we want to be informed of incidents that occur in order to conduct an investigation into the matter and offer the best service possible customer.
We have tried to anticipate your every need and respond with respect to the processing of your personal information and protecting your privacy as part of your online experience with us. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at the address below. This is the address to use to reach us in the following cases:
- if you have any questions or concerns about how we treat your personal information;
- when you want to update or access your personal information;
- Want to withdraw your consent to the collection and use of your personal information or personal information about your child, if you are a parent or guardian;
- or when you wish to terminate a subscription to an online newsletter.
Please contact:
Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun
10 770, Lajeunesse
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H3L 2E8
Email: info@shaolinwingchun.com
Tel.: (514) 388-2255